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Academission will facilitate the creation of corporate and educational institution partnerships that will benefit both organizations, their students and employees, and the industries they impact. 

Please read the attached chapter 1 of Founder Thomas A. Myers’ book, “The Future of Higher Education” in the “Articles” section.


Academission believes in a new paradigm in education where educational institutions serve students as true clients and corporations provide learning opportunities that enhance the individual in a lifelong pursuit of knowledge. 

Further, that educational institutions and corporations are no longer silos of learning but rather partners in the development of human capital.your company.


Most colleges and universities believe that articulation only exists between schools and that by limiting the amount of articulation, they will be able to maximize the amount of delivered credits to their students.  Both of these assumptions are grossly incorrect. 

First, articulation can and should exist between the school and the organizations where their students and potential students work.  Second, allowing for articulated courses to apply towards a degree program will attract a far greater number of students.

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